onsdag 31. oktober 2018

Another update on the worst water bottle in the history of this planet.

Today I tried to sit down while leaning towards a wall. It did not work either. I am starting to run out of good options to solve this huge problem in my life. I am tempted to use the bottle in an anti-stress therapy session that is supposed to be a hit among stressed Japanese workers. It has been a soaking wet time at work so far this week.

mandag 29. oktober 2018

An update on the water bottle trouble

Here is an update on the big troubles with the crappy, new water bottle. Today I tried out a new technique that included the chair at my desk. Unfortunately it was not a success.

lørdag 27. oktober 2018

Big trouble with new water bottle

Not much to write about the four, five last weeks. The most interresting thing to mention is that I have bought a new water bottle for work. The old one in plastic gave away a nasty Tsjernobyl pollution taste only 10 nanoseconds after tapping. The new one is in glass and it gives away no bad taste at all. The only probleme is the size of it. The opening is way too big and it looks like I`m in a wet t-shirt competition every time I try to quench my thirst. Even drinking water is now difficult in my life.