tirsdag 13. desember 2016

Work diary, week 49

It has been a long absence of new entries to this blog the last weeks. There is one good explanation to this. Not much exciting has happened at work. I can reassure all readers of this blog that you havent missed anything at all.

The one thing I can think of is when we each were given a chocolate bar for helping the marketing department to prepare for a trade fair. It was a lovely gesture from them, but when we later checked the expiration date because it tasted a bit strange + we reacted to the extreme softness to a biscuits chocolate, we found out it was 6 months off.

We`re not sure how many people read this blog. We know there`s about 7,5 billion people on this planet. The number of readers of this blog is not even close to that number, That is not even a wild guess from us. You may ask yourself, " How the hell does he know that ?". Well, here is my answere. If that was the number, we would have been all over the news. I`m talking about BBC, CNN, Fox news, The Daily Show, 60 minutes, Al Jazeera etc, etc..., The fact that we are not even mentioned in the small, local newspaper is a very strong indication that noone really cares about the lack of blogentries lately.

If  a local news agency by chance would report about our blog entry drought, the scenario would most likely be like this. They finally tracking down that one person who sometimes, by accident, bump into our blog when searching for something else, and then they ask him "Has the lack of new entires to the Tanjetsfilms blog effected your daily life ?". The answere given can be seen in the illustration above.

tirsdag 6. desember 2016

Trailer for the 4th edition of Mister Vorky

Tanjetsfilms will make the trailer for the 4th edition of the international one-minute film festival Mister Vorky. So far we haven`t got a clue what to do, but hopefully things will  soon fall into places.