søndag 25. november 2018

Who the f..k is Phillipe Starck and why has he designed annoying water bottles ?.

Althoug I have accepted the fact that I own one of the worlds worst water bottles ever produced, it is still a great struggle when I bump into others with their perfect ones. I have started to hate many persons at work for this.

On of them constantly brags about having a bottle designed by a supposedly superstar product designer called Philippe Starck. It is is extremely annoying.

I really don`t know anything about this Philippe Starck bloke, but I really hope there is, at least, one fatal construction detail with that award winning and annoying bottle that will have fatal consequences for the owners in the near future. I want bad karma for Philippe Starck water bottle owners !.

fredag 16. november 2018

Another update on the worst water bottle in the history of this universe.

Today I simply just threw in the infamous towel. I just have to face the sad fact that the crappy water bottle wins. It`sjust impossible to prevent one selves from getting soaking wet when trying to quench a thirst with the worst ever purchase in the history of this universe.

My number one on the wishing list to Santa Claus this year will, of course, be a new well functional water bottle. Unfortunately I am usually disappointed after Christmas eve. "Merry xmas everybody".

mandag 12. november 2018

Another update on the worst water bottle in the history of this galaxy

Today was definitely the worst day of my "great" search for a new and well functional drinking technique for the worst ever produced water bottle in the history of this galaxy. Lying down on the floor turned out to be pretty close to that torture technique called waterboarding. This sad day will hopefully be forgotten very soon.

tirsdag 6. november 2018

Buying a new water bottle is not an obvious alternative

Here are som thoughts about my bottle problem. You might ask the obvious question to this. "Why doesn`t he just buy a new one ?" The answere to this is that the fear for purchasing an even worse one is bigger than the desire to find one that functions perfectly.
There are probably way too many product designers and awards for "Water bottle of the year" out there. They all contribute to the abundance of several millions badly designed ones. My shitty one is most likely an award winning bottle of the year on several occasions. It is a very frightening thought.

lørdag 3. november 2018

I am still struggeling with the frickin` waterbottle

Today I tried out several new techniques to solve my big struggle with the new waterbottle. For those who are not updated with this, please look at earlier entries on this blog.

Most of my attemts were disasterous. Not worthy a mention. This water bottle turns out to be a real challenge. I will be very angry if I find out that this particular object has won an award for its design.

I did manage to come up with a couple of promising techniques, but in fear that the HSE department would give me hard times, I chose to reject them. Thanks for nothing HSE department. You make great contributions for making this world stagnate.