søndag 22. oktober 2017

A self-examination

I still kind of wonder how I got to the stage that I decided to try out meditation. I am not the most patient person on this planet ...or even in the whole universe. I am a football supporter for f...k sake.
There are not many good moments to find a comfortable position and clear your mind and think positive during a game. One example is when we played Kristiansund earlier this season. The strikers seemed to think too much before they decided to shoot.

It was extreemely frustrating. This resulted in a mind in total mess. It was not ready for meditation during those 2x45 minutes + extra time.

When trying to start meditation I was probably aiming to be this person... 

...but deep inside I know this is the real me.It is important to acknowledge who you really are. Hopefully this experience will give me peace in mind. I doubt it.

fredag 20. oktober 2017

A conclusion on the meditation industry

The meditation was a total fiasco. This was very surprising to me considering so many people in this world seem to have huge benefits from doing it. This makes me suspicious. Are they all living a big lie ?. This might be a conspiracy. Do they all think positive thoughts when they strike a meditation pose all the time ?. I doubt it.
I bet over 50 % of them are thinking like this person when they sit down to meditate on a Sunday evening...

...or like this person. Many silly poses that makes it extremely difficult to think clear....if you ask me.
I confess. I did not produce one single great thought during my short career in meditation. Enough said about it all.

søndag 15. oktober 2017

The truth behind the yoga industry

My first attemt on meditation was not a great success. I was not able to create enough positive energy to give me a lottery win. I decided to google a new yoga position for better results in the future. This made me realize there are plenty of them out there. What`s the story ?. Do people earn lots of money by having a copyright to a yoga position ?. Do they get a small amount of money every time one person do their pose ?.... like when a radio station play a song and they pay a little fee to the songwriter. If that is so, I want to get in in the deal.

I decided to come up with a completely new one and apply for a copyright to it, but every time I could see that the pose had already been taken, even though if it was a very silly and uncomfertable one. This made me conclude that the whole industry is just like any other industries. Rotten !.

After a couple of more attempts with very stupid poses, I decided to bow out of the industry before I even managed to get into it with one last pose I actually couldn`t find. I called it "Flipping the bird"

mandag 9. oktober 2017


Tonight I watched a program about altruism. Many ideas to become a better person were presented. One of them was to meditate for 30 minutes every day. It will give you huge, positive changes in your brain. I gave it a shot, but it was difficult to sit still and consentrate considering that I earlier today turned in a ticket for the wednesday lottery. The jackpot has reached 28,3 million Euro. It is a one in 98 million chance to win. I have a good feeling.
Only after 11 minutes with meditation it was time to turn on the TV to watch the World Cup qualifier between Wales and Rep. of Ireland. It is a game where noone from the one side will practice altruism towards the other team, and vice versa.