It is back to work again tomorrow. Sundays can sometimes create small vacuums in time when you for instance wait to go to see a football match. Today is such a time and I tried to fill the vacuum by looking at the flagcounter for this blog. It is maby embarrassing to reveal that you acyually do it, but I believe my honesty will give me great advantages in the future....somehowe
When looking at the different countries that have visited, I created a belief that it was the most prominent persons that had taken their time to look at my thoughts and visions. I bet the few others that look at the flagcounter do exactly the same. Goethe and Ludvig von Beethoven would have visited my blog if they were alive.
It is kind of cool that the president of the USA probably sometimes use his time to look at my stuff. Most likely just before or after golfing.
Maby I should make a google search with the words "Tanjetsfilms blog + Donald Trump + fake news
+ twitter + Ivanka".
I then found a link that could tell me what countries that so far have not visited my blog. How do they dare ?. I immediately took it very personally.
None from Bolivia has looked at my blog so far. That means Evo Morales still hasn`t seen any of my stuff. He can`t be that busy.
Tanzania is another country. Are all their citizens also too busy to have a look at what I put on the internet ?. I doubt it.
Monaco is also on the list. Maby Macron should take more control over things down there. Are they a little bit too independent maby ?.
I am not so sure I will support Peru in any of their games in the World Cup finals in Russia next year.
They still have a couple of months left to sort things out. All it takes is less than a second. They don`t have to read anything. All I demand is one short visit. Is that too much to ask for ???.